Monday, August 03, 2009

Look How Much Fun You Can Have When You Turn Off the Tell-A-Vision and Take Action!!

Congressman Lloyd Doggett of Texas is shouted down at a town meeting and chased into the parking lot by constituients angry at the socialization of healthcare (which is more about government control of private insurance monies and the population than about legitimately caring for the people).

Senator Claire McCaskill's office holds a town hall meeting in St. Louis, MO an a Tea Party Breaks Out!

An obviously hostile crowd greets PA Senator Arlen Spector and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebilius. Arlen Specter has been reported to be a 33 degree Mason and Kathleen Sebilius attended the 2008 Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia. No wonder they have bodyguards standing between them and the crowd who, unfortunately, seem to have forgotten their tomatoes and eggs.