Friday, March 04, 2005

Vaccination At Gunpoint

Vaccination At Gunpoint

The most recent bill introduced in the U.S. Senate (S. 3) is aimed at liability protection of drugs and vaccines and to prevent state legislation to ban Thimerosal (mercury) in vaccines...

...It would also severely limit the public access to any information regarding vaccine research, vaccine production, vaccine regulations, including, but not limited to meetings about vaccines and "countermeasures" for pandemics, epidemics, etc. This bill places severe restrictions on FOIA and will impact your ability to find out about drug/vaccine safety, regulation and policy...

...This horrendous piece of Federal legislation would even prohibit the warning or informed consent provisions for drugs, vaccines and biologics. Additionally, this bill would prohibit punitive damages and cap compensatory damages against any pharmaceutical company...

Sooo... If vaccination is so beneficial for the recipients then why do the drug companies have to lobby state and federal government to have it made mandatory for children??? Why does the DOJ lobby to suppress information on vaccine injuries and death? Why are there so many grassroots organizations that are fighting vaccination around the world? What is the pharmaceutical industry lobbying to supress information, cap damages, and do away with informed consent?