Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Smoking Gun on the Federal Reserve's Manipulation of the Gold Maket

Exclusive Smoking Gun: The Fed On Gold Manipulation


Zero Hedge has recently presented several declassified documents from the pre-1971 "Nixon Shock" days, that endorse the case for gold as a major historical factor in US monetary and foreign policy, as demonstrated by State Department and CIA disclosure. Gold's special status in policy and administrative decision-making was a direct factor in Nixon's choice to abolish the gold reserve at a time of an exploding budget deficit.
Yet what about the days after 1971, and specifically, how did that critical "behind the scenes" organization, the Federal Reserve, perceive and manipulate gold in the post Bretton-Woods world? Was gold, freed from its shackles to the dollar, once again merely a symbolic representation for money?
Zero Hedge presents the smoking gun that may provide responses to all the various open questions, courtesy of a declassified memorandum, written by none other than the then Fed Chairman, addressed to the president of the United States.
On June 3, 1975, Fed Chairman Arthur Burns, sent a "Memorandum For The President" to Gerald Ford, which among others CC:ed Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and future Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, discussing gold, and specifically its fair value, a topic whose prominence, despite former president Nixon's actions, had only managed to grow in the four short years since the abandonment of the gold standard in 1971. In a nutshell Burns' entire argument revolves around the equivalency of gold and money, and furthermore points out that if the Fed does not control this core relationship, it would "easily frustrate our efforts to control world liquidity" but also "dangerously prejudge the shape of the future monetary system." Furthermore, the memo goes on to highlight the extensive level of gold price manipulation by central banks even after the gold standard has been formally abolished. The problem with accounting for gold at fair market value: the risk of massive liquidity creation, which in those long-gone days of 1975 "could result in the addition of up to $150 billion to the nominal value of countries' reserves." One only wonders what would happen today if gold was allowed to attain its fair price status. And the threat, according to Burns: "liquidity creation of such extraordinary magnitude would seriously endanger, perhaps even frustrate, out efforts and those of other prudent nations to get inflation under reasonable control." Aside from the gratuitous observation that even 34 years ago it was painfully obvious how "massive" liquidity could and would result in runaway inflation and the Fed actually cared about this potential danger, what highlights the hypocrisy of the Fed is that when it comes to drowning the world in excess pieces of paper, only the United States should have the right to do so. Continue Reading at ZeroHedge...

Fed Arthur Burns on Gold 6 3 1975

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Flashback: Mass Mind Control Through Network Television - Are your thoughts your own?

Complete Article Here:


...One of the most common examples of mind control in our so-called free and civilized society is the advent and usage of the television set. This isn't to say that all things on TV are geared towards brainwashing you. They're not. But most of the programming on television today is run and programming by the largest media corporations that have interests in defense contracts, such as Westinghouse (CBS), and General Electric (NBC). This makes perfect sense when you see how slanted and warped the news is today. Examining the conflicts of interest is merely glancing at the issue, although to understand the multiple ways that lies become truth, we need to examine the techniques of brain washing that the networks are employing...

...Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that when a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional, rather than logical responses. The shift from left to right brain activity also causes the release of endorphins, the body's own natural opiates--thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to watching television, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studies which have shown that very few people are able to kick the television habit. It's no longer an overstatement to note that the youth today that are raised and taught through network television are intellectually dead by their early teens...

...The dumbing down of humanity is represented by another shift which occurs in the brain when we watch television. Activity in the higher brain regions (such as the neo-cortex) is diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. The latter, commonly referred to as the reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions, such as the "fight or flight" response. The reptile brain is unable to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. Thus, though we know on a conscious level it is "only a film," on a conscious level we do not--the heart beats faster, for instance, while we watch a suspenseful scene. Similarly, we know the commercial is trying to manipulate us, but on an unconscious level the commercial nonetheless succeeds in, say, making us feel inadequate until we buy whatever thing is being advertised--and the effect is all the more powerful because it is unconscious, operating on the deepest level of human response. The reptile brain makes it possible for us to survive as biological beings, but it also leaves us vulnerable to the manipulations of television programmers. This is where the manipulators use our own emotions as strings to control us. The distortions and directions we are being moved to are taking place in the subconscious, often undetected...

...The blocks of programming that are universally accepted parallel the shift to craft our entire lives towards the factory's bell and the illusion of time. This is the creation of the hive mind. The hive mind is result of massive brainwashing to the general public. Everyone shares the same thoughts, goals, knowledge and understanding. A hive mind society gears itself towards conformity and ignores diversity while masqueraded as the road to utopia in mainstream television. Network programming, weather it's the news or drama, is geared towards artificially creating your world and reality. With the proper amount of entertainment and sensationalism, we may even be living our lives through the television set. Many anchors and actors are beautiful and research shows that attractive people are usually perceived as trust worthy. While the real news rolls quickly by on the bottom of your screen, the anchor is selling you on the idea of having your very own police state hell hole right here in your local jurisdiction, or how 2 sports opposing teams chased around on a court for 2 hours in attempt to score points means something to you. No education, no information, SPIN. Today the media represents a tool of brainwashing and indoctrination that is utilized on behalf of the owners interests...

See Also: The Central Bankster Owned LameStreamMedia

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Flashback - Gold and Purchasing Power - Orignially Published May 11th 2006

Here is an article that I originally published May 11th 2006 when it took $725.90 in crappy ass rapidly depreciating fiat paper dollars to buy one ounce of gold.(Please forgive the tone of the original article... I was a little frustrated... I'm better now :-) Now it takes $1018.11 to buy one ounce of gold.
On May 11th 2006 the Dow closed at 11,500.73 after losing 139 points that day. Today the DOW closed at 9791.71. The DOW has continued to drop steadily while Gold has continued its upward rise. The loss on the Dow is actually much more than the numbers suggest because the reduced purchasing power of the dollar means that it takes more dollars to buy the DOW just like it takes more dollars to buy virtually everything else vs. 2006... except homes which were most American's #1 investment.

The American people are like the proverbial frog in the pot... The Central Banksters keep slowly stealing their wealth through inflation, engineered bubbles, economic consolidation, military-industrial complex fraud, banker "bailouts" etc. but not fast enough that the majority take any action to do anything about it. They just keep on watching it go slowly down the drain....

Gold and Purchasing
Originally Published May 11th 2006

You bought a house in '92, you paid 100k,
What do you think it might cost you now, in dollars of today,
For the record, the price you'd pay is greater than you might think,
Add a hundred thousand bucks, and throw in the kitchen sink

You gotta be makin' twice as much, to see just half the gain,
Don't forget, now, to figure in, that hidden part of this game,
Not to worry, if you can earn more and more from here,
Enough to balance out the cost, inflation takes each year

300 now, from 200 then, what might it be tomorrow,
Purchase power goes down the drain,
No wonder we all got to borrow,
Purchase power, purchase power, losing more each day,
A little bit here, a little more there,
Inflation steals it away

Nobody ever wants to see, their money disappear,
Losing purchase power, is something we all should fear,
History has a lesson, that's gonna be learned again,
Inflation steals you blind, while gold becomes your friend

It's not the metal that's goin' up, it's the dollar goin' down,
Printing presses print away, but no store of value's found,
Over the years, as paper fails, as it will always do,
Gold endures the test of time, pure wealth, tried and true

Got Gold? I have been warning the visitors to this site (and everyone that I know) for over a year that they better get some gold...

The 1st time I posted on gold was on January 24th, 2005 when gold was trading at ~$427

Did you listen?

The 2nd time that I posted on Gold was on March 4th 2005 when gold was trading at ~ $434

Did you listen?

The 3rd time that I posted on Gold was on Sept. 14th, 2005 when Gold was trading at ~$450

Did you listen?

The 4th time I posted on Gold was on Nov. 14th when Gold was trading at ~ $469

Did you listen?

The 5th time I posted on Gold was on February 1st when Gold was trading at ~$565

Did you listen?

The 6th time I posted on Gold was Feb. 9th, 06 when Gold was trading at ~$560

Did you listen?

The 7th time I posted on Gold was on Feb. 25th when Gold was trading at ~$554

Did you listen?

The 8th time I posted on Gold was on March 6th, 06 when Gold was trading at ~$565

Did you listen?

Today Gold hit $725.90 (which actually means that the purchasing power of the crappy ass US Dollar dropped even further to where it now takes $725.90 to buy a single ounce of Gold).

Thanks for stopping by the site!


PS The reason your money is going down the drain is the Federal Reserve is a private criminal organization that lobbied/bribed Congress in 1913 to give it an unconstituional monopoly over the issuance of money and credit in the US. They have used this monopoly to personally enrich themselves at your expense to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars over the years the proceeds of which they have used to buy outright 99% of the politicians, think tanks, foundations, and MainStreamMedia to ensure that none of them ever tell you about it.

Since they have now looted essentially all the value out of the country and because the Internet is starting to open peoples eyes to what has been going on they are going to crash the dollar so you won't have any resources to do anything about it. They are going to chew up the army in Iraq so they can't protect us when the truch comes out and they are setting up a police state and surveillance society to control us like the slaves we have become when the whole thing comes crashing down. When it happens remember where you heard it first.

You can go back to watching Tell-a-Vision now... I think American Idol is on...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Flashback - 911 Truth Now - What will you do on the 7th Anniversary of 911?

I am unbelievably busy this week... I am unbelievably behind on a major project... I don't really have the time to be blogging BUT I can't let the anniversary of 9-11 pass without taking some concrete action to awaken my countrymen to the truth about 9-11.

I have a good friend who asks why I waste my time trying to educate friends, family, business acquaintances, and others about 9-11. My friend understands the government is lying but believes the people who refuse to see the truth never will. He believes they are too dumbed down, apathetic, intellectually lazy, stupid, or just don't care.

I tend to somewhat agree in many aspects. The people have been dumbed down: By government schools, by Fluoride in the water, mercury in the vaccines, and the lies that spew forth from the "idiot box" and the MainStreamMedia. There is a good portion of our population that is essentially functionally retarded and never will be able to grasp even the basic science of why the government's story is impossible or possess enough knowledge of history to understand that government sponsored false flag terror is the norm not the exception.

However, I believe, there are enough Americans who still possess the critical thinking skills to understand 9-11 and, ultimately, the central bankster looting and control of the United States.

I believe that 9-11 is the key to unlocking their minds for a number of reasons.

1. It only requires a very basic understanding of science and an open mind to understand that the government's story is absolutely physically impossible. Jet fuel (a type of kerosene) burns at 800 to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit (825 C). The melting point of steel and iron is over 2700 Fahrenheit (1500 C). There was both molten steel and iron found below all three WTC buildings that was still molten weeks later after the attacks... Where did it come from?

The Law of Conservation of Momentum stipulates that the underlying steel frame of the World Trade Center towers which had supported the weight of the floors for decades should have provided at least some resistance in a gravity powered collapse. The buildings fell at free fall speed through the path of greatest resistance. It was physically impossible!
2. There are hundreds and hundreds of world renowned physicists, engineers, architects, college professors, pilots, intelligence operatives, and military officers who know the government is lying and have put their professional reputations on the line to publicly speak out against the official story. These brave souls are but a fraction of the total number who know the official story is false but can't speak out for fear of losing their livelihood or fear of losing their lives to a government that is rapidly turning into a fascist dictatorship, is openly creating a surveillance society, and setting up a Martial Law police state. The government's story simply has no equivalent level of public support among professionals who do not work for the government and/or companies who are dependent on government contracts. The overwhelming majority of the independent professionals who have the education and training to independently analyze the government's story believe it is a lie.

3. There is an abundant amount of well-referenced, scholarly research available to those who wish to research the subject. Hundreds of websites, dozens of documentary films, scholarly journals, and thousands of independent researchers and groups. Here is a comprehensive list of the best resources on the web: You can find a list of my personal favorites below.

Finally, probably the main reason that I focus so much time and effort on 9-11 is that once individuals do research 9-11 and realize that it was an inside job and that the MainStreamMedia has been covering up for 7 years they almost instantly understand that the Television and the MainStreamMedia have been lying to them. One of the resources that I use to wake people up to 9-11 truth is the excellent documentary "Loose Change - The Final Cut". There are two parts that are especially effective:

The Live News Coverage on 9-11 - Obviously not every member of the MainStreamMedia is/was part of the conspiracy to cover up 9-11. When you review the live coverage from that day you quickly realize that many of the reporters and anchors understood and where reporting on what really happened that day: The reporters on the scene were reporting on the secondary explosions going off in the tower, they were reporting on the fire fighters finding explosive devices in the building, they were reporting on the countdown before the implosion of WTC 7, etc. etc. Every major news anchor from Lou Dobbs to Dan Rather to Peter Jennings was speculating on air that the collapse of the buildings resembled a controlled demolition. In short, they had the story Day One as it was unfolding. There was massive evidence of controlled demolition. By Day 2, after the corporate ownership was able to exercise editorial control and stifle any speculation about "conspiracy theories" it all disappeared into the memory hole.

The BBC, CNN, and FOX News Reporting that Building 7 Fell Before the Collapse - While many of the reporters on the scene were reporting on what was really happening on the ground, their is also clear evidence that the intelligence agencies that orchestrated the attacks were using their control of the Media to shape public opinion about what was happening. The strongest evidence of this was the BBC, CNN, and FOX news reporting on the collapse of WTC 7 (and the official version of why it collapsed) BEFORE THE BUILDING HAD COLLAPSED. In the case of the BBC, their reporter Jane Standley went live on-air and described the collapse of WTC 7 and began reciting the official reason why WITH THE BUILDING STILL STANDING VISIBLY BEHIND HER!! Once the master controllers realized what was going out over the airwaves the BBC suddenly lost their connection with Jane Standley.

Once the people realize that the MainStreamMedia and TV abjectly lied to them about the events of 9-11... soviet style... they begin to question what else the MainStreamMedia and TV have been selling them.

So on this 7th anniversary of 9-11 I would hope that everyone would honor the fallen and take a little time to research the facts of 9-11 for yourselves. Get over your Cognitive Dissonance, forget what the majority believes (if the majority even still believes the official story) , ignore conventional wisdom and do your own research into the one event that changed the course of modern American history, eviscerated the Bill of Rights, ushered in the police state and surveillance society, and lead to the wars that have bankrupted the US and tarnished our name.


Here are some resources to get you started:

Best 9-11 Documentaries

Loose Change - The Final Cut - The best overview (IMHO)
9-11 Blueprint for Truth - The most comprehensive proof of controlled demolition
Fabled Enemies - Evidence of the intelligence agencies involvement
Truth Rising - On the growing international 9-11 Truth Movement
Terror Storm - The history of government false flag terror.

Best 9-11 Websites

Patriots Question 9-11 - Hundreds of military officers, architects, engineers, intelligence officers, college professors, survivors, and family members that question the official story.

Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth - Almost 500 architects and engineers that explain why the official story is absolutely impossible and defies logic, physics, and common sense. Check out this presentation to understand the physical evidence.

Who Did It - A list of the most probably suspects responsible for the attacks. Here are the people who actually had means, motive, and opportunity vs. the ludicrous official story.

911 - Best umbrella site/overview

Best Alternative News Sites - Turn off the central bankster owned, corporate controlled, CIA edited MainStreamMedia and seek trustworthy alternatives:

Best Expose on the Central Banksters - Who controls your world?

The Money Masters - Understand how an international criminal cabal created the Federal Reserve giving themselves the ability to create money out of thin air which they used to buy up the media, government, politicians, and industry.

WTC7 : The Smoking Gun

Complete Collapse Video Here
Complete Resources on WTC 7 Here:
Video of BBC Reporter Jane Standley Explaining How and Why WTC 7 Fell 20 minutes before it fell with WTC 7 standing visibly behind her.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9-11 Blueprint for Truth

9-11 Blueprint for Truth is easily one of the best overviews on the case for the controlled demolition of WTC 1, 2, and 7. The documentary is a presentation by Richard Gage, the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, an organization of over 800+ architectural and engineering professionals who are explaining to the public why the government's version of the buildings' collapses are physically impossible, violate the laws of physics, and are definitely the work of controlled demolition. You can buy the film on DVD HERE including discounts for bulk orders which supports the Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth Organization. You can donate HERE or in the Chip In below.

WTC7 : The Smoking Gun

Complete Collapse Video Here
Complete Resources on WTC 7 Here:
Video of BBC Reporter Jane Standley Explaining How and Why WTC 7 Fell 20 minutes before it fell with WTC 7 standing visibly behind her.

Flashback! - Best 9-11 Evidentiary Overview Ever

WTC7 : The Smoking Gun

Complete Collapse Video Here
Complete Resources on WTC 7 Here:
Video of BBC Reporter Jane Standley Explaining How and Why WTC 7 Fell 20 minutes before it fell with WTC 7 standing visibly behind her.